Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final Seminar

I have to say that the final seminar we went to was pretty interesting, if a little long winded with the questions or comments from my other classmates. Not that I found the topic boring at all, in fact I find it very interesting, it's just I feel we got way too sidetracked halfway through and lingered on subjects (like Mass Effect 3) for longer than we had to.

Going back to the main topic of transmedia, I feel it's something I'm deeply interested in because of a side project I've been hard at work on all semester. Check out my blog for it here (

Masquerade is both a card game and book set in the same world that I wanted to publish and sell together.
In fact, pretty soon I'll be launching the Kickstarter for it. The world of Masquerade is set in a land of kings and assassins. The story revolves around a sinister plot to kill the king of the kingdom. In the game, players fight with the many different characters who appear in the book to either kill the king or protect him. In the novel, readers follows the darkest distances of the plot as they see that there is more to this masquerade than meets the eye.

The idea was to see how will two different medias could support each other. Based on our seminar though, I feel like it's certainly possible for Masquerade to be a success. I may be able to even expand on the medias and create a community as was suggested in the presentation.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Final Presentations

As of last night, the final presentations are done and I must say they were a blast to watch. Compared to last year's projects, the ones this year are really well designed and refined.

My hope is that at least 8-9 teams go forward, since there were so many good groups. During the presentations I took the time to look at which teams needed a level designer since I had been working on our team's levels in the game most of the semester.

I don't want to say here which teams I really want to join up with and go forward, but they definitely had the stronger presentations during the night I'd say.

My favorite one so far was Crisis of the Superverse which left the audience on a cliffhanger and made them want to see more. That kind of tactic is something to consider when challenging again.